2024年11月10日 | 你是第55803700位来访者 | 在线6063人 |
01.Restraint begins with giving up one`s own ideas 02.Man follows the earth 03.When men lack a sence of awe, there will be a disaster 04.The tao of heaven is to take from those who have too much and give to those who have too little 05.Man follows the earth, earth follows heaven, heaven follows the tao, tao follows what is natural 06.Knowing others is wisdom 07.The further you go, the less you know 08.It Is not wise to rush about 09.Returning is the motion of the tao 10.See simplicity in the complicated 11.In dealing with others, be gentle and kind 12.He who is filled with virtue is like a newborn child 13.Yield and overcome 14.What is firmly crasped cannot slip away 15.Tao follows the Earth 16.Become as a child once more 17.Sometimes one is up and sometimes down 18.Just du what needs to be done 19.That is why a victory must be observed like a funeral 20.All men will come to him who keeps to the one 21.The valley spirit never dies 22.Heaven and earth last forever 介质:CD 版本:原版 产地:USA 内圈: IFPI 6100 复制以下帖到IE地址拦> 回车 > 点击试音听 http://www.xiami.com/album/170402?spm=a1z1s.3521873.23310065.31.nbR5G0 |
真正耐听、动听的音乐,是不需要过多的文字着墨的,音乐在怎么做也无法完整地描述出其中的奥妙之处。大提琴家 戴维.达林 藉老子『道德经』里的启发,创作出二十二首耐人寻味的即席演奏。他选择以乐曲来表达思想,丝毫不带说教意味,却更添意境。最重要的,个中滋味还要听者与爱乐者自己细细地品味,因为您会发现到,原来『道』也能够这么好听。 |
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